Asthma programme (CHWN)

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Children and Young Person’s Transformation Agenda 

An Asthma Leadership Group (ALG) has been formed by the CHWN to ensure the key deliverables associated with The National Asthma Care Bundle are met across the whole Education, Health, Social Care and Universal and Community Service. The aims are to:

  • Reduce avoidable harm from Asthma (control and reduce the risk of asthma attacks)
  • Improve quality of life
  • Whole system approach (environment, education, personalised care, preventative medicine and improved accuracy of diagnosis) 

The report below provides details of:

  • The research methods employed as part of the scoping exercise and reports on project milestones as well as identifying positive practice.
  • The programme has identified seven key recommendations for improvement relating to pathways, referrals, process and procedural development and training across the healthcare system.
  • In addition several of the recommendations relate to the wider system for example priorities for pharmacy and education settings and highlight the potential for wider system working.

E-learning for healthcare

Elearning for Health – training registration guide

Elearning for Health – Training Resource/Refresher Pack

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Free learning aimed at both health and non-healthcare professionals across all aspects of a child’s life, including childcare providers, education providers, uniformed services, sports coaches, youth group leaders, social services and health care workers.

SCYPH registration guide

SCYPH Refresher Resource Pack

North East and North Cumbria ICS Priorities, Plans and Achievements

The  North East and North Cumbria are challenged with high and increasing rates of admission for children and young people (CYP) aged 10-18 with asthma, it also has a higher population (29.4%) of CYP living in the most deprived areas of England than the national average (20.2%).

Locally in the NENC footprint we have undertaken a programme of work to support improvement of asthma care in the community, which includes the recruitment of a team of community asthma advisors and pharmacy asthma advisors who are undertaking education and coordination across the systems, including engagement with

  • LA Education colleagues as well as
  • school heads and
  • SENCOs,
  • primary care,
  • universal services, and
  • hospital and community pharmacy.

Part of this is the exciting, multi-agency development of an Asthma Friendly Schools Framework which has been piloted in approximately 13 primary education settings in the NENC footprint.

The work so far:

Open the document below for an overview of the regional work on asthma as part of the CYP Transformation programme.   Ask about asthma 2022 NENC ICS priorities plans and achievements.PNG

Providing an overview of the regional work on asthma as part of the CYP Transformation programme

Two Short Presentations from North East and North Cumbia ICS Asthma Leadership Group

The NENC ICS Asthma Leadership Group has prepared and recorded some short presentations to support the delivery and roll out of the National Asthma Care Bundle across the NENC ICS footprint. There is a presentation for school settings and another for primary care settings to provide an overview

The purpose of these recorded presentations is to raise awareness of the bundle and to provide an update and overview of the work we have undertaken to date, to share some of the findings of the system wide survey earlier in the year and provide an update about some key areas of development underway (for example asthma friendly schools accreditation and pathway work) and short and longer term priorities for the ICS.

This presentation will provide information and guidance and signposting to training and resources and is aimed at providing advice and guidance about service improvement.

We are seeking to engage partners in the roll out and establishment of systemwide improvements in relation to asthma care and specifically asthma care in the community.

For more information please contact Louise Dauncey via the Child Health and Wellbeing Network (

Thumbnail Beat Asthma Friendly Schools Accreditation - short version.png     Thumbnail Asthma Awarness Session for CYP.png

Asthma Secondary Care Newsletter

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Resources and useful links

Training  resources

Children and Young People’s Asthma


Training compentencies and training offer is available at Asthma (Children and young people) - elearning for healthcare (

Accessibility tools