
Most headaches are easily treated, but some are severe and may be a sign of a more serious condition. 

Tension headaches

These are the most common. They can feel like a pressure around your head and can be caused by stress, too much screen time, or muscle strain from sitting awkwardly.  

Acute headaches

Come on suddenly, usually with cold symptoms, a temperature, or general aches. It often feels like a sharp throbbing pain. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen can help.  


Often start with flashing lights in your eyes (known as an aura), then severe pain in your head – often on one side but sometimes both. You may feel dizzy, sick, and need to lie down in the dark. Plenty of water and pain killers at the start may help stop a migraine becoming severe.  

Top tips for preventing headaches

  • Drink two litres of water a day and have regular meals 

  • Switch off screens an hour before bed 

  • Take a screen break every 20 minutes 

  • Cut down caffeine and alcohol  

  • Get fresh air and exercise  

  • Eye strain can cause headaches, so a trip to the optician may help 


If you have a stiff neck – where you can't touch your chin to your chest, or struggle to look at lights due to a severe headache and possibly a temperature, get checked by a healthcare professional straight away.  

You need to get medical help if your headaches:  

  • Interfere with day-to-day life 

  • Wake you from sleep  

  • Cause changes in your vision  

  • Make you feel sick, but feel better when you stand up 

  • Happen after a head injury  

  • Don't get better, or if you need medicine several times a week 

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