As part of the development work and from learning from the schools programme, the ALG with partners, have developed a set of resources to support community sports clubs and groups to become BAFC Accredited. These resources are adaptable for use across a range of community clubs/groups/sports teams and other extracurricular activities.
As part of the toolkit, there is a freely available downloadable implementation pack that contains a host of information and guidance as well as some template resources for adoption/adaptation to meet local requirements.
We are in a position to make these resources available to support wholescale roll out to a range of organisations. Resources are available to download and freely access to implement the guidance locally. Organisations will be required to self assess their compliance with the requirements and to consolidate a portfolio of evidence which may need to be made available at reasonable request as part of ad hoc sampling and moderation by members of the ALG.
We have developed a flow chart to explain the process.

The sports club/group or organisation will be responsible for their self assessed BAFC status and the CHWN does not take responsibility for the accuracy of this assessment nor any liability in relation to the assessment of standards in place. It is understood that this is an accreditation obtained by self-assessment/validation without any professional validation or moderation
It is expected that the Asthma Champion/Lead for local implementation of the Beat Asthma Friendly Club Accreditation has undertaken due diligence in the assessment of evidence to determine performance and compliance with the identified standards as described in the 8 step checklist and the NENC CHWN Beat Asthma Friendly Clubs / Groups Accreditation Framework.